Friday, September 26, 2014

version pe1

it's almost basically playable. consider it another preview, since there hasn't been one for SOME time :D
on my immediate to-do list are those things:

-glasses (i have to code them)
-hairstyles, 3 for each girl (i have to draw them)
-skill improvements and other things when you work
-readme.txt where how this game works is explained again
-save game function
-facemakeup, 3 + 2 (1 no makeup, 1 smeared makeup) for each girl
-char creation (it's gonna be a seperate executable, which creates a clean save-file with your created char)

i know, updates on this are at very irregular intervals. they come and go alongside my motivation :D please excuse this. this preview (and future ones) runs the same way the last one did.

DOWNLOAD (Mediafire ~5MB)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What did you use to compress this? 7zip returns error "unsupported method of comrpession" and fails to decompress. I didn't have a similar problem with previous zips.

  3. Actually scratch that, my bad, I was using a very old version of 7zip.

    1. and were you able to run everything fine?

    2. Sure. It depends what exactly you mean by "run everyhing fine". From what I understand this is a very early alpha, yes?

      Some things I noticed is that It seems to be a little slow when you choose clothes and it crashes when you attempt to choose the third hairstyle via the shortcut (3) which may be due to it not being implemented yet?

      Also the initial backstory choices, the gloryhole minigame and the chill animation seem to no longer be around, which I'm going to guess is just because you didn't transcribe these parts yet or something. On the other hand the layout seems to have been improved.

      I don't know exactly what is supposed to be implemented already, so I can't tell what is due to a bug and what is due to the incompleteness of the project.

      On a general note, I would just propose that you either include python and pygame in the packages or at least make sure these requirements and possibly the latest version of the game are mentioned somewhere in the frame of the blog, because the individual blogposts are going to be burried in newer ones as you progress. If and when you get more followers you're going to get a lot of them whining about it.

    3. thanks for your elaborate comment :). yes all those things you mentioned aren't ready yet. i just finished the save feature and now i'm doing a rudimentary new-game-character-questionaire. why the clothes buttons work so slowly (i experienced the same sometimes), idk. i'm no professional programmer. i also don't know if i can make it, so it doesn't quit the game every time it encounters a teeny tiny error like not finding a graphics file.

  4. what do u need to play this? i have a shortcut named pu2exe but after clicking on it it says the .exe file does not exist
