Wednesday, November 26, 2014

preview - release #8

there have been comments about when or if the 'interactive' gloryhole scene from the PE construct version will return. let me answer that with a screenshot:

another thing in the next release is 'signs of pregnancy':


  1. Verry nice! looking forward to it!
    Is it an animation or is it done with the paper doll?

    Also an update on the "modding", i'm still getting to know the code in my spare time. Im currently trying to figure out coordonet's/map stuff might add a location with something there to test things out.

  2. there is an array called "unpassable" it contains all impassable 20x20 squares on the map. if you wanna add for example a key to press to access a location, look under #ACTIONS. pc_x and pc_y is your position on the map, as you might have already figured out. "if event.key == pygame.K_s" means for example, when key "s" is pressed. let me know if you have questions.
    and no it's not an animation, it's paper doll as requested, it currently represents character face and all (make up, hair etc), bust size, pregnant stomach (if existing), and you know, stuff which sometimes gets distributed over your character.
